Millions have died or suffered as a result of conflicts associated with the neoconservative ideas which have shaped American foreign policy. To understand and critique these policies effectively, it is crucial to examine the background and motivations of neoconservatives.
In Part II of our discussion on neoconservatism, Salim Mansur and I examine how, growing up in the United States as descendants of Eastern European Jewish immigrants, neocons have spent the last half-century weaving a network of allies. According to their own writings from the Project for the New American Century, their mission is to enforce a global "democratic" hegemony, with the United States at the helm and Israel as a key ally.
Fueled by the ancestral memory of exclusion—physically in the ghettos of Czarist Russia's Pale of Settlement and ideologically by Stalinist Russia, which rejected the international communism of Leon Trotsky (né Lev Davidovich Bronstein)—these neoconservatives, whose ideas are neither "new" nor "conservative," have banded together in a sort of loose coalition to address their historical grievances.
Their instrument of vengeance is the imposition of "democracy" worldwide however ironic that might seem. To this end, they've barnacled themselves to the Republican Party, despite their ideological leanings being more aligned with the Democratic Party—a party associated with racial elitism and a form of unfettered democracy, which contradicts the foundational principles of the American Republic. They propagate the false notion that only a democratic world, reminiscent of Trotsky’s globalist vision, can be truly just and good, a vision to be realized through the might of the American military-industrial complex.
While it seems that most neoconservatives have moved away from traditional religious affiliations, they maintain, perhaps subconsciously as a result of their culture, that they have been chosen to guide world affairs. This perverse belief can be likened to Plato's "Noble Lie," suggesting that leadership should be reserved for those considered inherently superior.
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